Parking Enforcement Ottawa

We take your security seriously...

That's why Smart Parking is the only parking management service to offer our integrated enforcement system completely free of charge. You don't have to pay any extra to gain access to an arsenal of enforcement tools designed to stop parkers from misusing your lot.

Eliminate instances of lost revenue by bolstering your security

Strong enforcement means fewer walk-offs, which means more money in your pocket. Our enforcement tools are intended to catch offenders who hope to go unnoticed by empowering your officers to perform checks regularly with our easy-to-use mobile app. 

Repeat offenders? No problem.

Smart Parking's enforcement app and lot management interface have options to add vehicles who are notorious for violating the rules of your lot to a blacklist, inhibiting their ability to book a pass for any location at which they're on a ban list. This list is accessible to enforcement officers at all times and helps them know who to keep an eye out for.

  • Round the clock reports

    In partnership with TrackTik, Smart Parking is pleased to be able to provide property managers with a 24/7 live feed of all the activity that happens on their lots. Watch in real time who books a pass on your lot, how many spaces are actively being used, view the details of any pass or permit active on your lot, and so much more. 

  • Scan license plates to check for active passes

    With Smart Parking, you don't need to sift through the entire list of active permits on any given lot to find who does and doesn't have a valid pass. Instead, simply use the snap and chalk function to scan license plates for passes, vehicle allowance status, and upload notes that other enforcement officers can see when they scan that vehicle.

  • Cooperation from users

    Smart Parking lets your users take a more active role in keeping the parking lots they use safer for everyone. The enforcement request feature allows any user to report vehicles who are parked dangerously or illegally, allowing your enforcement team to respond to issues that may not even be on their radar yet.

  • Streamlined mobile app

    Bolster your enforcement detail by giving them access to one of the most powerful enforcement systems in the industry, available right at their fingertips. That's right, Smart Parking handles enforcement through our free mobile app, available on all smartphones. No additional tech required, just a simple, intuitive app.

  • Write citations from in the app

    Allow your enforcement detail to act quickly and uninhibited by giving them access to technology that lets them issue citations from their smartphones. No need to carry around a stack of tickets and a pen; citations are sent directly to the owner of the vehicle using the email address on file for their account. 

  • Register VIP vehicles

    Make sure that vehicles with special privileges aren't given a hard time when trying to park on your lot. Smart Parking allows you to register vehicles as VIPs, giving them access to your lots without needing to pay. Their VIP status will be shown to any enforcement officer who scans that vehicle's license plate, so they can go about their business uninhibited.

Make the Smart decision, choose Smart Parking

Smart Parking wants to provide you with an opportunity to try out our state-of-the art tools completely free of charge. Book a demo today to gain access to our array of services and test them out yourself. Take your security seriously.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does scanning a license plate work?

The Smart Parking Enforcement app has a built-in license plate scanner. Just select the "Scan and Chalk" button from the dashboard and stand 8-10 feet away from the vehicle with the plate in frame and approach it slowly.

What can I use VIP vehicles for?

There are plenty of reasons to designate a vehicle as a VIP. For example, you might want to let a contractor, guest speaker, or performer park on your lot for free. With the VIP vehicle designation, they'll be able to park without any worry.

How do Smart Parking's enforcement tools help me reduce losses?

Smart Parking helps your lot stay profitable by offering a myriad of ways to help you catch parkers who are using your lot illegally and act quickly. From the time that your enforcement officers discover a vehicle parked illegally, it takes seconds to write a citation. This coupled with the fact that other parkers in your lot are able to report vehicles who are parked illegally and that Smart Parking keeps a live inventory of active permits with timestamps means that rule-breakers have a harder time flying under the radar.